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Leader in Measurement Technology

Luxmeters / Light Meters

Lux Meter with connectable probes

435-4 PN: 0563 4354

435-2 PN; 0563 4352

400 Universal IAQ PN: 0560 0400

440 Air Velocity & IAQ PN: 0560 4401

440 dP Air velocity & IAQ Including dP PN: 0560 4402

440 Lux KIT PN: 0563 4402

480 PN: 0563 4800

Lux Meter with permanent probes

540 Pocket Sized Lux Meter PN: 0560 0540


Lux Probe PN; 0635 0545
Lux Probe PN; 0635 0543
Lux Probe (Digital) PN: 0635 0551

Data Logger

UV Data Logger