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PRODUCTS >> CO2, CO, Light, Sound, rpm >> CO Measuring Instruments >>

CO Measruing Instruments

CO Meter with connectable probes

435-2 PN: 0563 4352

435-1 PN;  0560 4351

400 Universal IAQ PN: 0560 0400

400 IAQ & Comfort KIT PN: 0563 0401

440 dP Air Velocity & IAQ including dP PN: 0560 4402

CO Meter with permanent probes

315-3 PN: 0632 3153

317-3 PN: 0632 3173


Ambient CO Probe PN: 0632 1235
Ambient CO Probe PN; 0632 3331
CO Probe Digital PN: 0632 1272
CO Probe Digital with Bluetooth PN: 0632 1271
CO Probe Head PN; 0632 1270

Flue Gas Analyzers

310 PN: 0563 3110

310 PN: 0563 3100 

300 PN: 0633 3002 70

300 PN: 0633 3002 71

300 Long Life PN: 0633 3004 72

300 Long Life PN: 0633 3004 73

300 Long life PN: 0633 3004 82

300 Long Life PN:  0633 3004 88

330i LX Anniversary SET PN: 0563 6035 71

330i LX Anniversary SET PN: 0563 6035 70

330i PN: 0632 3000 71

330i Basic SET PN: 0563 3000 70

330i Advanced SET PN: 0563 3000 71