CO2 measuring instruments

CO₂ measuring device
with connectable probes
435-4 PN: 0563 4354
435-2 PN: 0563 4352
445 PN: 0560 4450
435-1 PN; 0560 4351
435-3 PN: 0560 4353
480 PN: 0563 4800
400 Universal IAQ PN: 0560 0400
400 IAQ & Comfort KIT PN: 0563 0401
440 Indoor comfort Combo KIT PN: 0563 4408
440 Air Velocity & IAQ PN: 0560 4401
440 dP Air Velocity & IAQ including dP PN: 0560 4402

IAQ Probes to access Indoor air quality, CO2 PN: 0632 1535
IAQ Probe for Analysing Indoor air quality,CO2 PN: 0632 1543
CO2 Probe PN: 0632 1240
CO2 Probe Digital PN: 0632 1552
CO2 Probe Digital with Bluetooth PN: 0632 1551
CO2 Probe Head PN; 0632 1550